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Classy smut for classy people

Temporary Cock #2

The Uber

Liv gives Trish a hand in the backseat of an Uber.

Our company is only on the ninth floor of our building, but I swear it has the slowest elevator in the city. And you know how when you want the elevator to go fast, it stops on every floor? Well, this was one of those trips.

When the doors opened, there was only one other person inside. Liv pulled me in after her and put me in the back corner. Then she stood between the guy and me so he wouldn’t be able to see the erection tenting my sundress.

The elevator stopped on the eighth floor, and four more people got on. Liv ended up standing directly in front of me, facing the doors. Two ladies were having a quiet conversation, and the others already had their phones out. I was grateful that no one was looking in my direction.

I glanced down and bit my lip when I noticed my cock was practically touching Liv’s ass. She has a great ass, and knows it, and tends to wear tight jeans or leggings. I couldn’t help rocking forward on my toes enough to poke her with it. I stifled a laugh as she reached back and swatted at me until I stopped.

A few more people got on at the sixth floor. She took a step back to make room and ended up with my cock pressing firmly into her. I squirmed awkwardly, expecting her to shift away from our point of contact. Instead, she leaned into it. The pressure of her soft ass on my swollen cock was delicious.

When the elevator stopped on the fifth floor, she shimmied her hips to adjust how I was positioned. My breath caught in my throat as my cock nestled between her cheeks. She felt me twitch, and slowly shifted her weight to tease me.

The last four floors were a blur of eye-watering sexual tension. Any motion, no matter how subtle, caused a wave of sensation. Every time the doors opened, and the people in the elevator moved, she would wiggle, sending shivers up my spine.

I wanted all the other people to get off the elevator, so I could press Liv against the wall and grind on her. Maybe it was because she was teasing me, but my thoughts about her got more explicit with every floor. I wanted to grab her hips and pull her hair. I wanted to put my cock between her thighs so every movement would stimulate her, too. I wanted to feel a damp patch and hear her moan my name.

By the time the elevator got to the first floor, my knees were weak, but Liv didn’t even give me a second to collect myself. She grabbed my hand and pulled me through the lobby towards the front door. I held my purse in front of me like a teenage boy using a textbook to hide an erection in class. I was blushing furiously, and couldn’t tell if the thought of someone seeing me in this condition was embarrassing or exciting.

Next thing I knew, we were climbing in the backseat of an Uber, and Liv was giving the driver directions. I placed my purse in my lap and closed my eyes, trying to slow my heart rate. It was almost scary how aroused I felt. I concentrated on taking deep breaths, in through my nose and out through my mouth.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the driver glance at me in the rear-view mirror. I think between the deep breathing and my friend shoving me in, he was worried I was going to puke or something. I tried to make a reassuring face, but he had already looked away.

Liv was staring at her phone, and we couldn’t really talk about anything that was happening in front of the driver, so I pulled mine out too. I had only been scrolling through Instagram for a minute when I realized I had a new challenge. The vibration of the car engine was rumbling my undercarriage in a very distracting way.

I crossed and uncrossed my legs, shifting in my seat to find some way to sit that didn’t make things worse, but nothing helped. I tried to look out the window to distract myself, but we drove by a group of guys going for a run. They’d all taken off their shirts to get some sun, and were breathing hard. My cock swelled at the sight, and I squirmed in my seat.

The car went over a rough patch of road near some construction, and each bump sent a jolt of pleasure through me. I gripped my seatbelt tight to keep from making a sound. My purse fell off my lap, but there was no way to bend over to pick it up without putting even more pressure against my cock.

As bad as it was getting, I think I could have made it all the way to Liv’s place except for what happened the next red light. The car next to us was a purple Cadillac with an incredibly loud stereo. The hip-hop they were blasting had a pounding bass line that rattled their windows and vibrated my seat. I looked over to see the young guy in driver’s seat, wearing a white tank top and a baseball hat, was already looking at me. He met my eyes and nodded approvingly while licking his lips.

I think I actually whimpered at this guy. He could tell I was flustered and waggled his eyebrows suggestively. I wanted nothing to do with him, but there isn’t a good nonverbal way to tell someone “No, it’s not you, your bass is so heavy that it’s working like a vibrator on my cock. Which is a thing I have, by the way.”

I turned away to find Liv watching me with an expression of concerned horror on her face. She’d seen the look this guy was giving me and was apparently worried the circumstances had ruined my judgment. When I bit my lip and allowed my hips to squirm in time with the pounding music, she put two and two together. She gasped and then leaned over me to flip the dude off. He must have thought she was being protective and laughed as the light changed and he sped away from us.

The bass receded, but by this point, I was in a sorry state. I was trembling and short of breath. My cock was throbbing impatiently, and we hadn’t even left downtown yet.

“Liv,” I gasped, and she leaned in so I could talk without the driver hearing. “I’m not gonna make it. Every time we go over a bump I feel like I’m gonna explode.”

I saw her glance at the erection beneath my dress and consider the options. She bit her lip and looked out the window, then threw a nervous glance in the direction of the driver. Thankfully he seemed to have concluded that I wasn’t a danger to his upholstery and wasn’t paying any attention to us. I could see the moment when she came to a decision. All uncertainty left her face, and there was a determined glint in her eyes.

She shifted into the middle seat and whispered in my ear. “Take off your underwear and give them to me.” I wasn’t expecting that, but I didn’t even consider protesting. Frankly, just the suggestion was so hot that any hesitation I might have felt under normal circumstances flew out the window.

Carefully, keeping an eye on the driver, I shimmied my boy shorts down my hips and over my shoes. I palmed them in a manner I hoped was subtle and passed them to her, trying not to look too eager to see what she wanted them for.

To my shock, she leaned against me again, but in the same motion, her hand slipped under the hem of my dress. I felt her wrap my underwear around the head of my cock and start rubbing. The fabric felt delicious on my skin, and I accidentally let out a little squeak.

“Shhh. Be careful, or our driver will figure out what’s going on,” she whispered, her lips brushing my ear. Sure enough, the sound drew his attention for a moment, before he looked back at the road. “Act like I’m telling you a secret. Give him a little laugh, so he thinks we’re just gossiping back here.”

I let out a laugh that sounded strained even to me and then had to bite back a moan of pleasure as she started rubbing again. Between the vibration of the engine and the texture against my skin, I was right on the edge.

“Go ahead, let it out. I’ll catch it.” Liv’s encouragement sent a wave of lust through me. I licked my lips to avoid moaning and tried to breathe steadily so it wouldn’t be completely obvious.

It was frustratingly difficult to cum, though. I was painfully aware of the need to avoid losing control. I wanted to so badly to growl or squirm or start humping Liv’s hand. My fingers scrabbled against the seat, trying to find something to grab instead of squeezing my breasts, or hers. I was so close.

“Yeah, babe, come on,” she growled, her voice husky in my ear. One hand was firmly rubbing the head of my cock, and I felt her other reach under me to grab my ass. She was squeezing my ass in time with each stroke of my cock. She shot a nervous glance at the driver and then surprised me by running her tongue up my neck before biting my earlobe.

The orgasm hit me like a tidal wave. It took all my self-control not to shake and swear and moan or cry out. She squeezed my underwear around the head of my cock, catching every bit of cum in the soft fabric. She waited until I stopped throbbing to slide back to her seat, discreetly taking my underwear with her.

I loosened my grip on the edge of the seat and sat up straighter, adjusting the hem of my dress. I could feel my cock already swelling again, but my head was more clear. I was sure I could make it through the rest of the drive, as long as we didn’t stop next to any more bass-heavy cars.

I recovered my purse from between my feet and quietly held it open to Liv. She winked at me as she slipped my wadded-up underwear inside. I bit my lip, and we shared a long, smoldering look that did nothing to resolve the confusion and lust I now felt toward my best friend.


A revised version of this short is included in the book Temporary Futa: a futa-on-female erotic romance. An intense story of overwhelming arousal and public stimulation that builds to a well-hung climax.

Available now on Amazon!