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Classy smut for classy people

Can You Teach Me?

Julie teaches Alice how to improve her dirty talk game.

Sitting on the couch as a movie she’d barely paid attention to ended, Alice took a deep breath, gathered her courage, and turned to her roommate.

“Julie, I need to ask you something.”

“Oh?” Julie raised an eyebrow and set down her bowl of popcorn. “So serious!”

“I, um,” she hesitated, “my boyfriend is going on this work trip, so he’ll be out of town for a few weeks, and…”

“And he wants to try an open relationship?” Julie nodded knowingly.

“What? No, he wants to try phone sex.”

“Oh! Well, that’s no big deal. Kinda old-fashioned now that we have video calls, but you do you. What’s got you worried?”

“Well, I always thought dirty talk was kinda dumb? Like, I don’t get how it’s sexy. Have you done it before?”

“My dirty talk game is legendary. One time in college, I turned a straight girl gay with a single phone call.”

“Really?” Alice looked skeptical.

“For real. When I hung up, she was a changed woman.”

“Okay, um… Can you teach me?”

“Alright, but don’t blame me if you want to dump your man when we’re done.”

“I think I’ll be okay.” Alice rolled her eyes. “I’m not some closeted coed looking to experiment, I just want some pointers on how to be sexy on the phone.”

“Okay!” Julie grinned. “If we’re gonna do this, we need to do it properly, so go to your room and call me.”

“We can’t just talk here on the couch?”

“No! You won’t be able to see him when you talk, and if you’re looking at me, you’ll get self-conscious. Go get comfortable. Oh, and use headphones. You’ll want your hands free.”

“My earbuds don’t work, I put them through the washing machine. And what do you mean I’ll want my hands free?”

“Think about talking to your guy. If the mood strikes, you need to be free to touch yourself. You want him to hear how turned on you are, not fumbling with your phone.” Alice looked unconvinced, but Julie stood firm. “If you want me to teach you, take it seriously!”

A few minutes later, after finding a spare pair of earbuds, they went to their separate rooms. Julie put on her headphones, fluffed her pillows, lay down on the bed, and answered her phone.

“Okay, so do I just start describing things I’m doing?” Alice sounded tense. “Or telling him to do stuff? Should I tell him what I’m wearing? That’s a thing, right?”

“Alice, slow down!” Julie laughed. “If you want this to work, you need to be relaxed and open to the possibility that it might be a good time. You sound like you’re trying to complete a checklist.”

“I’m just nervous! What if I say something dumb? What if he says something sexy, and I laugh?”

“Do you worry about that when you’re with him in person?”


“Then don’t worry about it here. All he really wants is to know you’re into it… Into him. Forget about the phone or how silly you feel, and think about the way you would feel if you were lying next to him.”

“Okay.” Alice took a couple of deep breaths. “How do we start?”

“Like any conversation. You don’t dive into the deep end. You ease in. Leave space for things to get hot, but don’t expect it to start there. You can try the whole ‘what are you wearing’ thing, but I’ll tell you what’s always worked for me: telling stories.”

“What, like reading erotica?”

“No, like sharing a story about something that happened to you. Maybe the story is about something kinda hot. Maybe, in the course of telling it, it gets you turned on. Maybe when he hears you getting into it, it turns him on, too. Just start slow, and see where it goes from there.”

“What if I don’t have any stories like that to tell?”

“Take a real story and spice it up a bit. Hell, you could make something up completely, but it’s usually easier to build from something that really happened. Think about a moment you had with someone. Maybe you almost kissed, but didn’t. What if you had kissed? What would have happened next?”

“Hmmm.” Alice considered this. She sounded more relaxed, but still hesitant.

“Let me give you an example. You remember last week, the night I went clubbing?”

“Yeah, you came home at three in the morning, climbed into my bed and got a little handsy.”

“Well,” Julie grinned, “I get horny when I’m high. And I don’t remember you complaining.”

“…Anyway,” Alice demurred. “Yes, I remember.”

“Did I tell you what I got up to at the club?”

“You were mumbling something in my ear about making out on the dance floor.”

“I did more than make out, but we’ll get there. I was wearing that short silver dress… You know the one I mean? Spaghetti straps, kinda twirly?”

“I remember last time you wore it out, the guys couldn’t stop staring at your nipples. They’d practically shove me out of the way to dance with you.”

“Well, I don’t like the way it looks with a bra! And I was on the prowl that night. So I was out on the floor, and I ended up dancing near this girl. Short blonde bob, red mini skirt, halter top, and fuck-me heels. She was looking at me, and I was looking at her. And she leaned in and said, ‘I love your dress.’”

“I’ll bet she did.”

“Then the song changed, and suddenly the floor was packed. We were kinda pushed together, not that we minded, and things got steamier. She’s running her hands up and down my sides, getting closer and closer to my chest. There were people behind me, and they were bumping into me, pushing me closer against her. She finally ran her thumbs over my nipples and I leaned in and kissed her.”

“Right there on the floor?”

“We couldn’t have left if we wanted to, it was so crowded. I heard a couple of people behind me cheer, and she gave up trying to be subtle. Her tongue was in my mouth, her hands were on my tits, and her thigh pushed between my legs. The motion of the crowd was literally shoving us together. It was getting hot. I could feel sweat trickling down my spine. I grabbed her ass and squeezed her against me. More people cheered. I think everyone around us was watching.”

“That’s intense.”

“You have no idea. I didn’t realize how much it would turn me on to know everyone was watching. The jostling of the crowd around us got more intense. I was fully grinding on her thigh and moaning into her mouth, and I wanted more. Would other people start touching us? I imagined feeling someone’s hand on my ass, pulling up my skirt…”

“Fuck,” Alice said huskily. “How far did you go?”

“Well, security showed up when she pulled my tits out.”

“She did?”

“Yeah, I think she was getting carried away by the moment, just like me. I felt her push my straps off my shoulders, and pull my top down. Then she stopped kissing me and leaned down to suck on my exposed nipples. Everyone around us was cheering. I was fully leaning against some dude behind me, with my fingers tangled in her hair.”

“That’s so hot.”

“I was starting to see stars when I heard people protesting as two bouncers shoved their way into the crowd towards us.”

“Did you get thrown out?”

“She did. They would have thrown me out, too, but I ducked around the big guy I’d been leaning on. He gave me a wink and stood in their way long enough for me to pull my dress up and disappear into the crowd toward the restroom.”

“What’d you do?”

“Well, I was still panting from how worked up she got me. My dress was clinging to my body and my nipples were hard as fuck. My heart was pounding from a mix of adrenaline and arousal. I ducked into a stall and tried to catch my breath. I peeled off my thong, which was practically soaked, and left it on the floor. All I could think about was how far I would have gone with her if no one had stopped us.”

Alice said nothing, but Julie could hear her breathing.

“Are you touching yourself, Alice?” Julie whispered.

“Uh… What? No. Sorry, I was just…”

“It’s okay, that’s the idea. I’m telling you a story to turn you on. Did you squeeze your tits when she squeezed mine?”

“I, uh… Don’t… What’d you do next?”

“Well, I knew I couldn’t leave without finding someone to make me cum. I checked my reflection in the mirror. My dress was practically painted to my body. My chest was flushed, and my nipples were begging for more attention. I was buzzing with excitement to walk back out into the club, to find someone who looked at me the way she did.”

“Yes…” Alice purred.

“I didn’t have to go far. Just outside the restroom, a couple of guys caught my eye. I don’t know if they saw me earlier, but they were definitely watching me now. I gave them a look and strutted back onto the dance floor, near the speakers. They followed, and soon I was dancing between them. We moved with the pounding beat. I felt their hands on my hips, my ass, my tits. The guy behind me was already hard and grinding against me.”


“The guy in front of me pulled my hand to his package, and I felt him swelling under my palm as I rubbed him. He reached under my skirt, and pushed his thick finger between my lips. He was rough, but I was practically dripping, so he slipped inside easily. I gasped as the guy behind me pushed me against his friend’s fingers. I have no idea how obvious we were, I just knew that the bass was thumping, and we were moving together, and my vision was hazed with flares of pink and yellow.”

“Oh my god,” Alice moaned.

“One of them said something in my ear. I don’t know what, but next thing I know, we’re walking out the back door to the parking lot. They took me between two parked vans. They got their cocks out, and one of them leaned against a van and lifted me up. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, and bit his neck as he entered me.”

“What—ah!—did the other guy do?”

“He got behind me.”

“Oh fuck,” Alice groaned in anticipation.

“They sandwiched me between them. I screamed when he pushed his cock into my ass. It burned for a minute, but then they both started moving, and all I could do was hold on. Fuck, Alice, I’ve never been so full. Those guys fucked me like a team. They moved in sync. I dunno if they’ve done it before, but it was this constant wave of pleasure. I couldn’t tell where one ended and the other began. They thrust and squeezed and moaned, and all I could do was cry out and cum all over their cocks.”

“Ah! Yes…”

“I came so many times. And then, when they were ready, where do you think they came?”

“Oh! In… Inside…”

“That’s right, I felt them cum together. At the same moment, their cocks were throbbing, pulsing, filling me up. It was so hot. What about you, Alice? Are you ready to cum?”

“What?” Alice squeaked.

“How do you feel about dirty talk now? Are you ready to try? Want to tell me a story?”

“I, um, need to—ah!—I have to—uh!”

Alice ended the call. A minute later, Julie heard her moaning loudly through the wall.

“Heh,” Julie smiled to herself. “Still got it.”
